News Article Title Version Source Discovered
India considers buying back gold to bolster plunging rupee 1 guardian
James O'Keefe's Breakthrough: memoir of a merry prankster 1 guardian
Solar-powered plane lands in New York to complete cross-country trip 1 guardian
John Prescott's resignation from privy council welcomed by Hacked Off 1 guardian
Climate change: Tony Abbott says Direct Action needs no modelling 1 guardian
NSA leaks: US and Britain team up on mass surveillance 1 guardian
Cardiff plans to tackle street prostitution 1 bbc
Loyalist flag protests 'factor' in £50m economic losses 1 bbc
The thousands of words we don't know 1 guardian
Bob Katter may lose Kennedy as independents are swept out 1 guardian
Mid Staffs trust to be prosecuted over death of diabetic patient 1 guardian
Assad: Syria needs one year to destroy chemical weapons 7 bbc
Brazil develops 'superfoods' to combat hidden hunger 2 guardian
Baftas fashion: bold colours and stylish facial hair 2 guardian
Robert Mugabe threatens to expel foreign firms from Zimbabwe 1 guardian
Foxtons bosses in line to make £100m as estate agent prepares flotation 1 guardian