News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ioan Gruffudd's Welsh university film shot in England 0 bbc
Action to cut sight loss cases with Welsh government care plan 0 bbc
Norway's new centre-right government faces tough coalition talks 1 guardian
Deputy speaker Nigel Evans to be charged with sexual offences 6 guardian
Ideas for 11-12 September 1 guardian
NSW fire service defends closure of stations during bushfires 1 guardian
Eighty sea turtles wash up dead on the coast of Guatemala 1 guardian
Justin Welby gets real on homophobia 1 guardian
British soldier dies after 1,000 metre fall from Mont Blanc slopes 1 guardian
Can you spot a rhetorical fallacy? 1 guardian
Nicole Kidman may press charges after being knocked to ground by paparazzo 1 guardian
A French Novel by Frédéric Beigbeder – review 1 guardian
Anthony Horowitz: where have all the bad guys gone? 1 guardian
Government tax adviser 'quits over secretly filmed tips' 1 guardian
'All you could hear was cars crashing': 120-car pile-up on Sheppey bridge 3 guardian
Downton Abbey location: mapping out a mix-up 1 guardian