News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Auto Sales in Europe Fall Again, but Tumble Is Thought to Be Ending 6 nytimes
Cambodian election protesters march through Phnom Penh 2 guardian
Media Monkey: James Murdoch, Steve Coogan, and the Daily Mail 1 guardian
Help to Buy scheme fuelling housing market bubble, warns Labour 9 guardian
Simplified gas and electricity tariffs to begin by 2014 2 guardian
Ray Dolby, audio engineer who pioneered noise reduction, dies at 80 2 guardian
My veil epiphany 1 guardian
This glorious and unruly English language that lets everyone in 1 guardian
Afghanistan coal mine collapse kills and injures dozens 1 guardian
Anthony Weiner's campaign manager quits as candidate faces calls to drop out 2 guardian
Flu cases unusually low this winter 1 guardian
Archbishop of Canterbury urges caution on Syria 1 guardian
Jaymes Diaz stops the votes with swing away from Liberals in Greenway 3 guardian
Alien nation: MoD releases final UFO files 3 guardian
I wish we'd killed Thatcher, says former INLA member as Bogside celebrates 1 guardian
Thatcher funeral: goodbye to all that 1 guardian