News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sydney spends its pennies in pursuit of the perfect public porcelain 1 guardian
Greece simmers as Antonis Samaras government passes more austerity cuts 2 guardian
Gun crime statistics by US state 0 guardian
Liberal Democrat conference 2013: the Harry Potter tendency is born 0 guardian
Slumping car sales underline fragility of eurozone economy 0 guardian
Zimbabwean government's attempt to sell seized property proves costly 0 guardian
Alex Salmond former aide attacks 'tired, tedious' independence campaign 0 guardian
White House orders security review in wake of Washington navy yard rampage 0 guardian
Doctors to warn that Syria's healthcare system is at 'breaking point' 1 guardian
David Cameron is gagging charities, Labour claims 1 guardian
Signs of Mental Illness Seen in Navy Gunman for Decade 5 nytimes
Untapped markets are the key to unlocking social enterprise investment 1 guardian
Schools are already bursting – they need more funding now, Michael Gove 2 guardian
What would you like your final words to be? 1 guardian
I welcome Common Core education standards, but let's not forget creativity 1 guardian
New guidance on DNR orders brought forward 1 guardian