News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Colorado flood deaths reach eight but number of missing continues to fall 0 guardian
Yes, David Cameron, 'Yid' really is a race-hate word. Here's why 0 guardian
Murray Mound celebrates as Andy raises the roof 1 guardian
Saudi prince buys 50% stake in Sheffield United 1 guardian
Indian reporter killed in ambush 1 guardian
Pope Francis and the Vatican's 'crows and vipers' 1 guardian
Philippines radio broadcaster shot dead 1 guardian
The US: world's policeman or schoolyard bully? 1 guardian
My grandmother's secret marriage to an American GI 2 guardian
Academics criticise NSA and GCHQ for weakening online encryption 1 guardian
Obama accuses Republicans of holding recovering US economy to ransom 2 guardian
Poem of the week: Autumn Twilight, Dwelling Among Mountains by Wang Wei 1 guardian
Binge-drinking increases risk of underweight baby 1 guardian
Mexico storm death toll mounts after heavy rain and landslides 4 guardian
Just because I have ichthyosis doesn't mean I want your prayers 1 guardian
Enough of playing Hamlet: Obama needs to act now 2 guardian