News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Why we argue – and how to do it properly 1 guardian
Tom Hiddleston poised to fill Benedict Cumberbatch's shoes on Crimson Peak 1 guardian
Labour's links with the unions are its greatest asset 1 guardian
Quebec politician proposes government ban on religious headwear 1 guardian
After the Syria vote, Britain must not sleepwalk into isolationism 1 guardian
From Suez to Iraq, the lessons of our past cast a long shadow over Syria 1 guardian
Pelka abuse case could prompt law change, Clegg says 1 bbc
Atos apologises to long-term sick wrongly assessed as fit for work 2 guardian
Bahrain opposition figure Khalil Marzook 'arrested' 1 bbc
JP Morgan facing more regulatory scrutiny 0 bbc
Buried in every whale's earwax resides a record of their lifetime exposure to pollutants 2 guardian
Official migration statistics 'little better than a guess', says report 2 guardian
Bauer Media stops publishing magazine accused of being pro-Nazi 2 guardian
Destroying chemical weapons is hard enough – but Syria is a new challenge 2 guardian
Politicians reassure themselves of their importance at Lady Thatcher's funeral 1 guardian
TUC chief attacks coalition for waging 'war on working people' 2 guardian