News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Defqon festival death: police to conduct tests on pills believed responsible 4 guardian
North Carolina officer shot unarmed man 10 times, police say 2 guardian
Omnishambles among new words added to Oxford Dictionaries online 1 guardian
The Tasmania solution: send refugees there instead of Papua New Guinea 1 guardian
Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir seeks visa for UN meet 0 bbc
Daniel Pelka: The mistakes we keep making 0 bbc
Britain could send chemical weapons experts to Syria, says William Hague 2 guardian
Bishop of London's address at Margaret Thatcher's funeral – full text 2 guardian
Yes, I am a Slapper. And I'm proud of it 1 guardian
Australia’s refugee stance sets ‘alarming global precedent’ 1 guardian
Mali back-to-school campaign faces uphill struggle 1 guardian
Qantas review sparks fears for 300 maintenance jobs at Avalon 1 guardian
Likely Australian senator brushes off kangaroo poo fight video 1 guardian
Russell Brand and the GQ awards: 'It's amazing how absurd it seems' 5 guardian
'Legend Husband': would you use an app to make you a better partner? 1 guardian
Campaigning for the Australian prime ministership runs in the family 1 guardian