News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Peter Doig: why is the painter being sued for not being Peter Doige? 1 guardian
Can you really be 'a little' prejudiced? 1 guardian
Washington navy yard killer Aaron Alexis arrested twice before over guns 5 guardian
The DIY Danes planning to launch a man into space 1 guardian
Chinese Communist party officials on trial accused of torturing man to death 2 guardian
Controversy over firing of leading Irish investigative journalist 2 guardian
China starts flights at world's highest airport – gateway to Tibet 2 guardian
Edward Snowden 'living incognito in Russia' 2 guardian
TUC conference: critics of austerity can't deny growth is back. But our arguments are still valid 1 guardian
South Africa's 'theatre of struggle' appoints first black artistic director 1 guardian
Russian law proposes removing gay parents' children 1 guardian
Former rider for Queen's horse trainer jailed for jealous attack 1 guardian
Nelson Mandela's Johannesburg home hit by power cut 1 guardian
Angela Merkel: saviour or tormentor? Europeans give verdict 2 guardian
Iran sanctions: now is the time to negotiate 1 guardian
Radical bookshops exploited by secret agents 1 guardian