News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Great North Run: Mo Farah narrowly beaten as thousands run 9 bbc
Washington DC shooting: several people and gunman shot dead 5 guardian
Syria crisis: UN report confirms sarin gas 'war crime' 6 bbc
'Multiple' people killed at Washington Navy Yard 8 bbc
Woman dies after disturbance and suspected burglary at Llandudno home 2 bbc
U.N. Report Confirms Rockets Loaded With Sarin in Aug. 21 Attack 3 nytimes
Are you the first person in your family to go to college? Tell us your story 0 guardian
Obama and the art of corridor diplomacy 0 guardian
After Summers: Janet Yellen and other contenders to be named Fed chair 0 guardian
Australia at the Royal Academy: Ned Kelly to the rescue 0 guardian
V&A dissolves myths around pearls in major new show 0 guardian
Top Afghan policewoman killed months after predecessor's assassination 0 guardian
Mark Duggan inquest: key issue is whether shooting was lawful, jury told 0 guardian
Grand Theft Auto 5 in Amazon embargo breach 4 bbc
Somalia 'New Deal': EU pledge at Brussels conference 6 bbc
Operation to Raise Stricken Cruise Liner Starts in Italy 7 nytimes