News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Justin Bieber unlikely to star in Batman v Superman 0 guardian
Salinger by David Shields and Shane Salerno – review 0 guardian
Iran may put persian cat in space 0 guardian
Costa Concordia in Italy freed from rocks 9 bbc
Benefit fraud could lead to 10-year jail terms, says DPP 3 bbc
Mexico hit by Hurricane Ingrid and Tropical Storm Manuel 7 bbc
April Jones: Remains to be released after coroner ends hearing 5 bbc
Egypt's economy hurt by post-Morsi curfew 0 bbc
UK, US and France call for 'strong' UN resolution on Syria 1 guardian
Man Booker Prize 'to admit US authors' 0 bbc
India Delhi gang rape lawyer faces 'misconduct' hearing 1 bbc
South Korean troops kill man trying to swim to North 0 guardian
Sexuality: the nature v nurture debate 0 guardian
Why dry academic journals are not the only source on development 0 guardian
Christopher Jefferies told 'sorry' by police over arrest distress 6 bbc
Arrests made in child sex abuse investigation 5 bbc