News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Meeting over threat to 300 DVA jobs in Coleraine 1 bbc
Cyprus lawmakers adopt key terms for EU/IMF bailout 1 bbc
G20 'divided' on Syria as US envoy Power criticises Russia 4 bbc
Australia elections: Rudd and Abbott in final push 2 bbc
Brics economies plan $100bn reserves fund 0 bbc
Gunman arrested after 10-hour pub siege in Cavan 0 bbc
Suspected US drone 'kills six' in north-west Pakistan 0 bbc
Abbott's boat buyback: Indonesian fishermen baffled, but happy to sell 0 guardian
Viewpoints: How should the police best use limited resources? 0 bbc
Expert's concern at lack of Welsh brain injury facilities 0 bbc
Up to 300 Coleraine DVA jobs under threat 0 bbc
The trouble with Chinese data 1 bbc
Skaf gang rapist Mohamed Sanoussi has parole revoked 1 guardian
Embattled Colombian president names 'peace and unity' cabinet 0 guardian
Australia elections: Rudd and Abbott in final push 1 bbc
Deference to a Revered Record in Japan Is Going, Going ... 0 nytimes