News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Guatemalan bar attack leaves 11 people dead 2 bbc
Police at British Palace Stop a Stranger: Prince Andrew 2 nytimes
Putin ally Sergei Sobyanin set to win Moscow mayor poll 7 bbc
Drone and Taliban Attacks Hit Civilians, Afghans Say 4 nytimes
Santander signs up to Help to Buy 3 guardian
Couple drown off coast of Sicily 1 guardian
Challenger in Race for Moscow Mayor Says He Can Force a Runoff 1 nytimes
La Dolce Vita Gone Sour (and This Time in Color) 0 nytimes
Election Results Ratified in Cambodia, but Opposition Plans Boycott 0 nytimes
Popular Merkel, Warning of Threat From Rivals, Rallies Supporters 0 nytimes
'World's largest volcano discovered beneath Pacific 2 bbc
Guatemalan bar attack leaves 11 people dead 1 bbc
Madrid and Istanbul Respond Differently to Rejection by Olympics 1 nytimes
Dennis Rodman's slip gives away name of North Korean leader's baby 1 guardian
Economic recovery 'quickening', Bank of Scotland says 0 bbc
Lack of staff at Royal Derby Hospital contributed to baby death 0 bbc