News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Two bystanders struck by NYPD in Manhattan shooting 3 guardian
Egypt’s Military Claims Gains Against Militants in Sinai 0 nytimes
Make way for a new social media icon: the interrobang 0 guardian
Long-named US woman celebrates government climb-down 1 bbc
How to cure a sexist boss: insist on equality at home 0 guardian
Bavarian poll results line up victory for Angela Merkel's CDU at national polls 0 guardian
North Carolina police officer charged over fatal shooting of unarmed man 0 guardian
Germany's new anti-euro party could leave election outcome open 0 guardian
Police launch investigation into claims of sexual abuse at immigration centre 0 guardian
Syria hails US-Russia deal on chemical weapons 5 bbc
Kerry insists Syria strikes still an option as Obama defends deal with Russia 1 guardian
Comet collisions increase chance of life across solar system, research suggests 1 guardian
The Lib Dems left me disillusioned. Labour has made me hopeful again 0 guardian
Jesus is having a moment in literary fiction 0 guardian
Scottish islands wind power subsidy confirmed 0 bbc
First Mexican openly gay mayor inaugurated in Zacatecas 0 bbc