News Article Title Version Source Discovered
NGOs claim poor countries lose $100bn annually due to tax dodges by EU firms 1 guardian
I'm proud of our welfare reforms 2 guardian
The union row is a battle for the soul of the Labour party 1 guardian
Syria crisis: the Middle East can unite to break this cycle of violence 1 guardian
Why Ecuador's president has failed the country over Yasuní-ITT 1 guardian
Cosmetic surgery tourism on rise as satisfied customers spread the word 2 guardian
Michigan Governor Gives China Advice on Municipal Debt 0 nytimes
Naomi Klein 'waging ideological war' instead of tackling climate change 0 guardian
Iran frees political prisoners ahead of Hassan Rouhani's UN visit 0 guardian
Chinese boy whose eyes were gouged out given implants 2 guardian
Romania expected to reject gold mine following week of protest 1 guardian
Spain has let Catalonia down, now it must let it go 1 guardian
The best books on Indonesia: start your reading here 1 guardian
Greater Manchester Police officer charged with rape 1 bbc
Kenyan deputy president denies crimes against humanity at ICC 1 guardian
Indonesia to import 25,000 more Australian cattle 1 guardian