News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Egyptian police storm second Islamist stronghold 1 guardian
Mumbai gang rape: Five suspects charged 0 bbc
Why have the Spaniards stopped eating later than the rest of us? 0 guardian
Global helium shortage in prospect as US reservoir in line to close next month 0 guardian
Hollywood's trade body slams Google for failing to stop piracy 0 guardian
Meike Ziervogel: 'I could only write about Magda Goebbels in English' 0 guardian
Eritrea gets underground newspaper 12 years after ban on private media 0 guardian
Kronos Quartet/Kimmo Pohjonen/Samuli Kosminen – review 0 guardian
Why women have a right to sex-selective abortion 0 guardian
New hospital inspection regime announced by Jeremy Hunt 0 guardian
Sophie Mirabella feels heat from Cathy McGowan in Indi 3 guardian
Vodafone shares surge as Verizon talks back on 3 guardian
John McCain takes aim at Putin in Pravda editorial 2 bbc
Emerging Markets Optimistic as Fed Tapering Is Pushed Back 4 nytimes
Marcel Reich-Ranicki obituary 1 guardian
Lululemon: see-through yoga pants hurt apparel empire's sagging sales 1 guardian