News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Dutch cannabis coffee shop owners win partial victory 1 guardian
Could aquaculture solve Africa's fishing crisis? 1 guardian
Indonesian cinema and the rise of a new noir 1 guardian
DNA data to be shared worldwide in medical research project 1 guardian
Thousands of cycling protesters surround Parliament Square in London 3 guardian
The EU is ignoring the human rights abuses behind Morocco's razor wire 1 guardian
Climate change likely to steer away Sandy-like superstorms, study says 1 guardian
Ideas for 11-12 February 1 guardian
Libyan police unit admits kidnapping ex-spy chief's daughter 3 guardian
Badger cull go-ahead flies in the face of scientific evidence, says Labour 1 guardian
Full-face veils aren't barbaric – but our response can be 2 guardian
Nasa's Mars Curiosity rover finds no sign of methane, the gas linked to life 1 guardian
Google revamps logo and search page 1 bbc
European Union Officer Is Killed in Kosovo 2 nytimes
As German Vote Nears, No Guarantees for Merkel’s Coalition 3 nytimes
Does migration change life for the better for people from poor countries? 3 guardian