News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Merapi volcano's 'spirit keeper' walks line between tradition and technology 3 guardian
Israel and Hamas deploy Twitter feeds in media war 3 guardian
Young Ulster rugby star dies trying to save father on family farm 7 guardian
Venezuelan government accused of lying about Chávez's condition 3 guardian
Benin's disabled smugglers 4 guardian
Female bishops and the Church of England: what happens next? 3 guardian
Woman killed by tree in Exeter during floods 3 guardian
Rwandan woman stripped of US citizenship after lying about genocide 3 guardian
Fiscal cliff failure would hurt Christmas spending, White House warns 3 guardian
UK top brass in limbo - waiting for political masters to act 3 guardian
UKBA backs down over use of force on children and pregnant women 3 guardian
New stalking offences come into force 3 guardian
Princes William and Harry continue Diana's battle to end Aids stigma 3 guardian
Queen cancels Swansea trip 'after developing gastroenteritis' 5 guardian
Healthcare ruling leaves Republican governors itching for a Romney win 3 guardian
Men and women must unite for change 3 guardian