News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Mystery 13th Century eruption traced to Lombok, Indonesia 4 bbc
Mystery 13th Century eruption traced to Lombok, Indonesia 4 bbc
Falklands war: new study debunks claims of high suicide rates 3 guardian
Falklands war: new study debunks claims of high suicide rates 3 guardian
Police fire Taser at man wielding knife near Downing Street 5 guardian
Senators critical of military's 'convening authority' system to punish sex assault 5 guardian
Senators critical of military's 'convening authority' system to punish sex assault 5 guardian
US agents quiz fraudster over links to anti-Islam movie that led to murder 5 guardian
US agents quiz fraudster over links to anti-Islam movie that led to murder 5 guardian
Superstorm Sandy: The north-east begins long struggle to recovery 6 guardian
Superstorm Sandy: The north-east begins long struggle to recovery 6 guardian
Iran's children look on and families cry for pardons at daily hangings 5 guardian
Police officers to face magistrates after protester's arrest at anti-EDL rally 7 guardian
Police officers to face magistrates after protester's arrest at anti-EDL rally 7 guardian
Hong Kong plan to create 25 islands threatens wildlife, say protesters 6 guardian
George Osborne declares support for new airport runway in south-east 7 guardian