News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Rolf Harris arrested by Operation Yewtree police 4 guardian
Palestinians urged by Britain to delay 'non-member state' bid at UN 5 guardian
Bangladesh jails Islamic party leader for life 5 guardian
Why its marathon shows London at its best 4 guardian
Chicago to get hyper-connected under Rahm Emanuel's grand Wi-Fi plan 5 guardian
Ted Baker shares hit record high as Dixons sees return to growth 1 guardian
Hard work, not handouts, put Virgin trains on the right track 1 guardian
Turkey divided more than ever by Erdoğan's Gezi Park crackdown 2 guardian
Review Show shift – an a-Paulin idea? 2 guardian
Fire in Philippine hotel kills seven 7 guardian
French 'boat schools' rape trial opens 5 guardian
Horsemeat scandal sparks rise in sales of vegetarian alternatives 5 guardian
Iran flexes military muscle with new drone 5 guardian
Wen Jiabao – Chinese communist with a smile and a strong survival instinct 5 guardian
Female Afghan boxers could miss UK bout 5 guardian
Todd Akin and a Republican about-face worthy of the royal guard 5 guardian