News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Mpeketoni attacks: Four possibilities 1 bbc
NHS 'facing funding gap of up to £2bn' in England 4 bbc
Knife crime crackdown: Tougher penalties for possession will mean two strikes before jail 1 independent
Criminal records: Supreme Court to rule whether job applicants have to come clean 0 independent
Kevin Nunn: Judges to rule over fresh forensic tests eight years after murder conviction 0 independent
Sir John Major backs PM's opposition to Jean-Claude Juncker 0 bbc
Austerity cuts hurting women disproportionately 1 independent
Facebook launches new image messaging app Slingshot 1 bbc
Indian media: Modi to change governors? 0 bbc
Japan bans child pornography possession 0 bbc
H&M sees 'strong' spring sales 0 bbc
Duchess of Cambridge to open restored Bletchley Park 0 bbc
Google and Facebook can be legally intercepted, says UK spy boss 6 bbc
Julie Bishop overhauls foreign aid program with 'aid-for-trade' plan 1 guardian
Argentinian President and hedge fund ‘vultures’ will be forced to thrash out deal 2 independent
Sunni militants pound Iraq's biggest oil refinery 3 bbc