News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Obama to order ocean protections with executive powers, Kerry says 0 guardian
Scottish independence: Voters to have say on 'Yes' constitution plan 5 bbc
Richard III tomb design unveiled in Leicester 4 bbc
Iraq blocks Facebook and Twitter in bid to restrict Isis 2 bbc
Shadow Labour Minister Helen Goodman red-faced after confusing Ingleton, Co Durham and Ingleton, North Yorks 0 independent
Barrow and Lancashire hospital trust rated 'inadequate' 0 bbc
Struggling Greeks hope for World Cup boost 1 bbc
Long years of oil price stability are at risk, BP’s top economist warns 1 independent
Hillsborough Leppings Lane turnstiles 'not dangerous' 1 bbc
Will Pakistan go all out against militants? 0 bbc
Scottish independence: Police examine online JK Rowling abuse 0 bbc
Hospital wards 'too noisy at night', say nurses 0 bbc
British woman dies after Kings Canyon fall in Australia 1 bbc
Four jailed for Worthing amputations stabbing 1 bbc
Concerns in China over alleged secret trial of Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti 1 guardian
Russia cuts off gas supply to Ukraine after talks collapse 2 guardian