News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Iraq conflict: Militants 'seize' city of Tal Afar 4 bbc
Boris Johnson: Tony Blair's Iraq comments 'unhinged' 2 bbc
Greenpeace loses €3 million on botched currency bet 0 independent
Barcelona's tourism booms, swelling its coffers and littering its beaches 1 guardian
Evacuations after possible bomb find on Newport retail park 0 bbc
Fake surrogate mother Louise Pollard jailed 0 bbc
Scottish independence: Voters to have say on 'Yes' constitution plan 1 bbc
UK outlaws Isis militant group behind Iraqi attacks 3 bbc
Homework ban proposed by councillors in Swedish city of Hallstahammar 1 independent
Putin Puts Tough Image Before Words 0 nytimes
Mother and daughter seriously hurt in Carmarthen house fire 5 bbc
Croydon rave: Colossal party attracts 1,000 resulting in clash with police, nine arrests and four hospital admittances 4 independent
Rolf Harris lawyers say he is being punished for past infidelity 1 guardian
Jamaica anticipates a marijuana rush as decriminalisation looms – but is it too late? 1 guardian
Scottish independence: Referendum abuse 'should be ignored' 1 bbc
Rolf Harris 'publicly humiliated' by sex trial 0 independent