News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Exclusive: MI5 stands accused of complicity in torture this year after 'trying to recruit man from Egyptian jail’ 2 independent
Ford Open Prison has 89 inmates on run 3 bbc
Chris Christie pokes fun at bridge scandal on the Tonight Show 0 guardian
University of Liverpool waive 91-year-old's £4,500 library fine 0 bbc
Downing Street PC dismissed over obscene images 0 bbc
Scottish independence: Final countdown to independence vote 3 bbc
Putting the fizz into back into the 'No' campaign? 1 bbc
Spanish activists launch street referendum over future of monarchy 2 guardian
E3: Five things we learnt at the LA games expo 0 bbc
Ofsted attacked over early years inspections 0 bbc
Apple recalls 'overheating' European USB power adapters 0 bbc
Rape and the Warrior's Code 1 nytimes
Up to 50,000 London homes to be built in brownfield scheme 2 bbc
Iraq conflict: Sistani 'issues' Shia call to arms against militants 4 bbc
Full jails told to take in more prisoners 2 bbc
Palestinian professor resigns after taking students to Auschwitz 1 guardian