News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Iraq crisis: Islamist militants warn battle will 'rage' after seizing Mosul and Tikrit 0 independent
World Cup 2014 bomb threat: Nigerian state bans all public viewings as Brazil tournament starts over Boko Haram secur... 0 independent
'Peacock whisperer' sought for Cottenham peahen stray 0 bbc
Iraq crisis: UN 'deplores' militants' capture of cities 5 bbc
Theresa May admits government has failed to win public's support for surveillance 1 guardian
Scottish independence: JK Rowling donates £1m to pro-UK group 10 bbc
'Bomb threat' curtails Nigeria World Cup viewings 1 bbc
Ice blamed for Caernarfon plane crash which killed man 2 bbc
Indian police 'gang-rape woman after she fails to pay bribe' 0 guardian
Australia backs increased military role for Japan 0 guardian
Firefighters to strike for 24 hours over pensions 3 bbc
David Cameron backs Boris Johnson over deploying water cannon in London 1 independent
Court backs Musharraf exit request 1 bbc
Part of Newcastle Uni closed after second suspicious item found 1 bbc
World Cup 2014: Some England fans 'a bit carried away' 1 bbc
Phone hacking trial: After eight months, jury today begins sifting the mountain of evidence 1 independent