News Article Title Version Source Discovered
'Bomb threat' curtails Nigeria World Cup viewings 1 bbc
Ice blamed for Caernarfon plane crash which killed man 2 bbc
Indian police 'gang-rape woman after she fails to pay bribe' 0 guardian
Australia backs increased military role for Japan 0 guardian
Firefighters to strike for 24 hours over pensions 3 bbc
David Cameron backs Boris Johnson over deploying water cannon in London 1 independent
Court backs Musharraf exit request 1 bbc
Part of Newcastle Uni closed after second suspicious item found 1 bbc
World Cup 2014: Some England fans 'a bit carried away' 1 bbc
Phone hacking trial: After eight months, jury today begins sifting the mountain of evidence 1 independent
Iraq crisis: Islamist militants attack Tikrit and near Baghdad after 500,000 are forced to flee Mosul 6 independent
Boris Johnson agrees to be shot by water cannon to prove safety and 'wisdom' of buying controversial riot equipment f... 5 independent
Mark Mardell: 'Illegals' and the Grapes of Wrath 0 bbc
Novartis Japan unit under scrutiny 0 bbc
Care homes: Report due on future of Northern Ireland's residential homes 0 bbc
All Justice Is Local 1 nytimes