News Article Title Version Source Discovered
King's Lynn parents' cruelty arrest over obese child 1 bbc
Invisible nanoparticle barcode could fight crime 2 bbc
Yemen migrant boat sinking is 'worst this year' - UN 0 bbc
Ukraine crisis: Putin meets Poroshenko in France 0 bbc
Singing Nun Wins Italian TV Talent Show 0 nytimes
We Are the World (Cup) 0 nytimes
Barack Obama's D-day speech 0 guardian
Watch Dogs review – beyond the hype 0 guardian
Where's the voice of female cyclists in campaigns, forums and policies? 0 guardian
New Band of the Week: Taylor McFerrin (No 8) 0 guardian
Lego still builds gender stereotypes 0 guardian
Indie booksellers join Hachette's battle with Amazon 0 guardian
Secrecy and surveillance – the future of family life 0 guardian
Canadian police arrest suspect over shooting deaths of three Mounties 4 guardian
Seattle Pacific University shooting: Aaron Ybarra arrested after shooting kills one and injuries three 3 independent
Hillary Clinton encourages people to think she’s hiding something 1 washpo