News Article Title Version Source Discovered
UKIP gains in Yorkshire and Humber 1 bbc
UKIP tops Euro poll in East Midlands 1 bbc
UKIP gains seats and share in South East EU vote 1 bbc
Ukraine crisis: Flights halted at Donetsk airport 1 bbc
Farage hails 'extraordinary' UKIP win in European election 17 bbc
European elections results 2014: Farage and Ukip top poll as Europe takes swing to the right 5 independent
China media: 'Airspace intrusion' 0 bbc
Happy Valley is violent. So is real life 0 guardian
Sorry Day rallies call for changes to state child-protection regimes 0 guardian
John Faulkner voices spying fears after parliament CCTV captures meeting 2 guardian
Narendra Modi to be sworn in as Indian prime minister 1 bbc
Former detective charged with murdering missing student Jamie Gao 4 guardian
Five men held after device found in County Louth 1 bbc
Ukraine crisis: Flights halted at Donetsk airport 0 bbc
China breaks up 'terror groups' in Xinjiang 0 bbc
Farage hails 'extraordinary' UKIP win in European election 16 bbc