News Article Title Version Source Discovered
South Korea troops in stand-off with killer soldier 4 bbc
Wales' Nato summit will be historic, says secretary general 0 bbc
Having a baby will simplify your life 0 guardian
Independence: An Argument for Home Rule by Alasdair Gray; My Scotland, Our Britain: A Future Worth Sharing by Gordon ... 0 guardian
Super Novak: the world according to Djokovic 0 guardian
PM to call 'unprecedented' vote on Juncker EU appointment 5 bbc
Boxing: When a freed slave fought a sporting star 3 bbc
UK Syria fighters pose long-term threat - Met officer 2 bbc
Alstom board votes to accept General Electric bid 1 bbc
South Korea troops in stand-off with killer soldier 3 bbc
The war on drugs killed my daughter 0 guardian
Syria civil war: Hundreds of radicalised fighters are already back in the UK, warns former MI6 chief 1 independent
Gerry Conlon dead: Guildford Four member and victim of one of Britain's worst miscarriages of justice dies aged 60 1 independent
PM to call 'unprecedented' vote on Juncker EU appointment 4 bbc
South Korean soldier who shot dead five colleagues surrounded by authorities 0 independent
Boxing: When a freed slave fought a sporting star 2 bbc