News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Spain World Cup squad: Fernando Torres and Juan Mata included 0 guardian
Pistorius trial: Prosecution applies for mental tests 5 bbc
Ban on discarding healthy fish could harm wildlife, say academics 1 bbc
Bristol transformed into Briswool by knitters 1 bbc
Greens seek inquiry after police visit fact-checker of UKIP policies 2 bbc
Ann Maguire stabbing: Leeds teacher 'died from neck wound' 3 bbc
Children and family debt: never-never land 1 guardian
Australia aims to nearly halve budget deficit in a year 0 bbc
Airbus orders slump in first quarter but profit rises 0 bbc
China's property market: deflating or worse? 1 bbc
Germany’s foreign minister in Kiev in bid to get government, separatists to table 1 washpo
Coalition will tie federal Gonski reform contributions to CPI 1 guardian
'Right to be forgotten': EU court rules Google must amend results on request 1 guardian
Claudia Lawrence murder suspect arrested 1 guardian
Leprosy vaccine scientist dies, aged 100 1 bbc
Man held over Claudia Lawrence death 2 bbc