News Article Title Version Source Discovered
EU struggles for fans in affluent Austria 0 bbc
Why are comedians, not musicians, talking bout a revolution? 0 guardian
Put Oscar Pistorius under psychiatric observation, prosecutor requests 0 guardian
Jaha Dukureh: 'In Washington, they don't want to talk about vaginas' 0 guardian
An Ikea museum could be brilliant – but will they assemble it properly? 0 guardian
Will community service hurt Silvio Berlusconi's image more than prison? 0 guardian
Ukraine should be left to forge its own course 1 guardian
Ukraine Authorities Dismiss Referendums as ‘Farce’ 4 nytimes
Rolf Harris trial: Girl 'assaulted while friend in room' 4 bbc
Are Lib Dems facing candidate drain? 0 bbc
Hillshire acquires rival food firm Pinnacle for $6.6bn 0 bbc
Paraguay president's palace being eroded by termites 0 bbc
Nigeria’s Boko Haram video 'shows kidnapped schoolgirls' as militant leader offers their release in exchange for pris... 3 independent
Troops face 'growing mental health cost' of Afghan war 6 bbc
Women addicted to drugs in Iran begin seeking treatment despite taboo 2 washpo
Planned cap on social care costs 'will help few people' 2 bbc