News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Dorset and Hampshire bookmaker robberies: Man arrested 0 bbc
Michael Sam becomes NFL's first openly gay player 0 bbc
'Rich List' counts more than 100 UK billionaires 0 bbc
A Simple Theory, and a Proposal, on H.I.V. in Africa 3 nytimes
Drone 'almost hit' American Airlines flight in Florida, officials hear 3 independent
Two Richmond basketball officials presumed dead in hot-air balloon crash Friday 8 washpo
Roosters' Mitchell Pearce arrested outside Kings Cross nightclub 0 guardian
Two dead and one missing in Virginia hot-air balloon accident 4 guardian
Secret Service agents pulled off White House patrol to help protect a top official’s aide 2 washpo
South Sudan: Ceasefire comes into effect 1 bbc
Ukraine crisis: Eastern rebels hold self-rule referendums 1 bbc
St. Louis Rams draft Michael Sam, who could become first openly gay active NFL player 0 washpo
In eastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol, law and order crumble on eve of secession vote 5 washpo
Liberal groups launch campaigns to boost turnout based on Obamacare support 2 washpo
Joe Hockey adamant that budget will not break any tax promises 1 guardian
Police fear for safety of girl, 2, taken from Queensland home 1 guardian