News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Who, What, Why: Why do people eat clay? 1 bbc
Clifford Clarke dog death: Liverpool women admit guilt 2 bbc
Hacking trial: Rebekah Brooks ‘took advantage of special treatment by police,’ court told 0 independent
Party founded by the late RMT union chief Bob Crow to fight seats in local elections 0 independent
Chinese experts 'in discussions' over building high-speed Beijing-US railway 0 guardian
Prime minister 'wooing' Democratic Unionists in case of hung parliament 0 guardian
Monica Lewinsky's story is a scandal of Americans' double-standards 0 guardian
Richard Sherman: 'racism is alive and active' in NFL and America 0 guardian
Damian Lewis to star as Henry VIII in BBC adaptation of Mantel novels 0 guardian
Jeremy Hunt sent homeopathy studies to chief medical officer 0 guardian
Vibram in $3.75m settlement over false health claims 0 bbc
Ukraine crisis: Pro-Russia rebel vote to go ahead 12 bbc
Military reforms will see British women deployed as front line combat troops 1 independent
Pro-Russian separatists vow to proceed with referendum despite Putin’s plea 7 washpo
European Central Bank Says Stimulus Is Likely, but Not Before June 7 nytimes
Proliferation of men going to Syria to fight ‘poses terrorist threat to Britain’ 0 independent