News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Google Must Honor Requests to Delete Some Links, E.U. Court Says 4 nytimes
What is the 'right to be forgotten'? 0 bbc
People injured in serious coach crash in Cornwall 0 bbc
Pfizer takeover could delay drug development, says Astra chief 7 bbc
Hospital care failings 'shock' 3 bbc
A man became a math wiz after suffering brain injuries. Researchers think they know why. 0 washpo
Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert to serve six years for bribery charges 0 washpo
Boston College to be sued over Belfast Project tapes 1 bbc
Australia aims to nearly halve budget deficit in a year 2 bbc
European Tour's Madeira restart after Iain McGregor's death was crass 1 guardian
UK-Bahrain relations to come under scrutiny as Gulf state's king visits UK 0 guardian
UN observer at Gaddafi trial held on suspicion of 'black magic' 0 guardian
Shirland village replaces stolen Dolly with new mannequin 0 bbc
North Korea threatens to 'wipe out' South Korea's government 1 independent
EU court backs 'right to be forgotten': Google must amend results on request 3 guardian
Man held over Claudia Lawrence case 4 bbc