News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ebay urges users to change passwords 0 bbc
Warrington call centre closes as Lloyds cuts more jobs 1 bbc
Egyptian Court Convicts Mubarak of Embezzlement 2 nytimes
Mother admits abandoning baby in Birmingham park 2 bbc
Fat-free chocolate and absolutely no smoking: why our guilt about consumption is all-consuming 0 guardian
UK reacts to Google 'right to be forgotten' ruling 0 bbc
Tiffany profits jump 50% to $126m 0 bbc
Gareth Williams: Jailed voyeur teacher still being paid 3 bbc
Theresa May: Police Federation funds to end 3 bbc
Supreme court blocks Missouri execution in night of tense legal drama 3 guardian
Who, What, Why: What is coffee rust? 1 bbc
China, Russia sign $400 billion gas deal 0 washpo
Egypt's Hosni Mubarak jailed for embezzlement 4 bbc
Russia signs 30-year gas deal with China 5 bbc
Paul and Sandra Dunham extradition: Couple fly to US later 3 bbc
April Jones's mother, Coral, backs child rescue alerts 1 bbc