News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Pregnant woman beaten to death by family outside Pakistani court 2 guardian
French police clear hundreds of asylum-seekers suffering from scabies from Calais migrant camps 0 independent
World Cup 2014: Manaus declares state of emergency in latest setback 0 independent
London is the 'cocaine capital of Europe' - and use of the drug peaks on a Tuesday 0 independent
Gerard Benson obituary 1 guardian
French riot police clear Calais migrant camps 1 guardian
Goole docks Suntis deaths: Crew named by police 0 bbc
Rohit Shekhar: The seven-year battle to prove who I am 1 bbc
Scottish independence: New claims on economic outcome 4 bbc
Leaders agree to review EU agenda at Brussels summit 4 bbc
Ukrainian government vows more military action against separatists 0 washpo
Swims, shaves and naked prancing – journalists who made rash promises 0 guardian
Rupert Murdoch paper prints picture of Duchess of Cambridge's bare bottom 0 guardian
Rolf Harris agrees that secret affair shows his darker side 0 guardian
Weight loss: NHS backs 'lose a little, keep it off' plans 5 bbc
Stewart Carruth named Stirling council chief executive 0 bbc