News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Barack Obama: 'The US can't solve the world's problems with military intervention' 0 independent
Maya Angelou quotes: 'Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud' 1 guardian
French Police Expel Migrants From Makeshift Camps 1 nytimes
Man develops powerful love of Johnny Cash following deep brain stimulation 1 guardian
Ministers 'given Trojan Horse schools warning in 2010' 0 bbc
Ice hockey not invented in Canada? That's cold, man 1 guardian
Scottish independence: Will people in Scotland be better off? 1 bbc
French riot police bulldoze Calais migrant camps 3 guardian
Georgia Abkhazia: Leader 'flees' protesters in Sukhumi 1 bbc
Syrian voters in Lebanon throng embassy to cast ballots 0 washpo
Beyond Obama's West Point speech: a foreign puzzle, not a real foreign policy 0 guardian
Crowd witnesses rare mass sentencing rally in Xinjiang 0 guardian
What makes a good theatre date? 0 guardian
Stephen Hawking unveils formulae for England World Cup success 0 guardian
Microsoft’s ‘Star Trek’ voice translator available before the end 2014 0 guardian
Obama signals foreign policy shift but insists: 'America must always lead' 0 guardian