News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Scottish independence: Clarity call on shared research cash 0 bbc
Juncker looks set to be crowned European commission president 0 guardian
Scottish doctor warns of 'biggest' GP crisis 0 bbc
Libyan human rights activist Salwa Bughaighis killed 0 bbc
Call to halve target for added sugar 0 bbc
Energy market to face full competition investigation 0 bbc
Jimmy Savile NHS abuse victims aged five to 75 2 bbc
Hacking probes: What happens next? 3 bbc
Viewpoints: Is the UK housing market broken? 1 bbc
Salwa Bugaighis dead: Libyan human rights activist and lawyer killed after voting in elections 0 independent
Missing Malaysian Jet’s Crew Was Likely Unresponsive, Officials Say 1 nytimes
Iraqi Parliament to Meet to Form New Government 0 nytimes
Jordanian Court Acquits Islamic Cleric of Terrorism Charges 0 nytimes
Carney details new weapons to cool British housing market 0 nytimes
Nigeria Abuja blast: Goodluck Jonathan cuts short visit 0 bbc
Benefit fraud and errors of £16m discovered by Audit Scotland 0 bbc