News Article Title Version Source Discovered
MH17 crash: UK investigators at Farnborough to examine downed plane's black boxes, David Cameron says 1 independent
Police appeal over Kester David railway arch death 1 bbc
Tony Abbott 'consulted Rupert Murdoch over paid parental leave' 0 guardian
Greek island holiday guide: Crete 0 guardian
Tools of protest: Disobedient Objects, the V&A's subversive new show 0 guardian
'Trojan Horse' report by council 'ought to be reviewed' 0 bbc
Norfolk road death couple 'made 999 request' 4 bbc
Glasgow 2014: Leaders Cameron and Salmond focus on Games legacy 1 bbc
Revealed: the VAT loophole driving NHS pharmacy services into hands of private sector 1 independent
UK arms export licences for Russia still in place despite claims of embargo - report 1 guardian
Fire tackled at Glasgow Science Centre tower 4 bbc
Costa Concordia: Environmental concerns that the cruise liner is a 'floating bomb' 0 independent
Teenagers who 'sext' each other could land themselves on sex offenders register 0 independent
They Did This? In Rebel Country, Disbelief 2 nytimes
Funeral row school blames computer for reward trip ban 1 bbc
Andy McSmith's Diary: Ruffled ermine as David Cameron pays for overlooking the Lords in last week's reshuffle 2 independent