News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Malaysia plane crash: Family awaits victims' journey home 0 bbc
Who, what, why: Is it normal to search politicians and envoys? 0 bbc
S Korea ferry boss Yoo Byung-eun 'hid in secret closet' 0 bbc
Glasgow 2014: Boxer Ashley Brace 'let down' over Games ruling 0 bbc
UN's Navi Pillay warns of Israel Gaza 'war crimes' 4 bbc
Nigeria bomb attack in Kaduna 'leaves 25 dead' 1 bbc
Somali musician and MP Saado Ali Warsame shot dead 2 bbc
MH17 crash: Black boxes arrive in the UK from Ukraine for analysis 1 independent
Hollywood criticised for negative portrayal of LGBT characters 1 guardian
Windows development set to be 'unified' by Microsoft 1 bbc
Migrant boat massacre: Italy arrests five for murder of more than 100 thrown overboard 0 independent
India MPs 'force-fed' fasting Muslim worker 1 bbc
Last few Iraqi Christians flee violence and threats in Mosul as Isis continues its takeover 3 independent
Waiting in the (West) Wing 2 bbc
Glaxo shares slide as profits and sales fall 2 bbc
Taiwan plane crash 'kills dozens' 0 bbc