News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Cristiano Ronaldo admits he could one day return to Manchester United 2 guardian
Louis van Gaal not worried by lack of Manchester United signings 2 guardian
China factory explosion kills scores 1 guardian
Oscar Pistorius's brother injured in car crash 1 guardian
Warwickshire man nose-pushes Brussels sprout up Snowdon 0 bbc
Factory explosion in eastern China kills at least 65 0 independent
US Ebola victims to be treated at sophisticated facility in Atlanta 0 guardian
Israel-Gaza conflict: University hit as Palestinians endure more than 200 strikes in 24 hours 3 independent
Gaza conflict: New exchanges amid Israeli soldier hunt 7 bbc
Remarkable video shows first contact between Amazon tribes and Brazilian government 1 independent
India employs 40 mimics to scare off parliament monkeys 2 bbc
Rape charges 'have become a fashion' in India, says Shiv Sena party 1 guardian
Israel-Gaza conflict: 'Dozens killed' in fresh strikes as hunt for missing soldier continues 7 independent
Oscar Pistorius's brother injured in car crash 0 guardian
Kim Gordon backs School of Doodle's manifesto for sonic and feminist youth 0 guardian
Toledo residents told: don't drink the water 0 guardian