News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Steven Finn replaces injured Liam Plunkett in England Test squad 1 guardian
Atlanta hospital receives hate mail for treating aid workers stricken by Ebola virus 0 independent
European Space Agency gives in to demands to release pictures of Rosetta spacecraft's decade-long hunt for comet 0 independent
Senate Republicans to issue minority report on CIA 'torture' techniques 0 guardian
Farming practices and climate change at root of Toledo water pollution 0 guardian
For Scotland, the independence debate is about more than the economy, stupid 0 guardian
Tony Blair lambasted by former employee over role in own charity 0 guardian
Billie Piper questioned by police after car accident leaves teenage cyclist 'seriously injured' in hospital 2 independent
It doesn’t know what it’s doing: Centrica rails at energy watchdog 3 independent
Quake Kills More Than 200 People in Southwest China 1 nytimes
Glasgow 2014: Closing ceremony marks Games end 0 bbc
Royal Navy evacuates Britons from Libya amid fierce fighting 3 guardian
Ebola outbreak: US experts to head to West Africa 0 bbc
The corrections column co-editor on… the ‘zombie’ stories that refuse to die 0 guardian
TrueStoryASA: YouTube stars given 'talking to' from police after frenzied meet and greet attracts hundreds 0 independent
Ghosts of soldiers: memories of my grandfather's first world war service 0 guardian