News Article Title Version Source Discovered
News Corp reports falling revenue on advertising drop 0 bbc
Israel’s Supporters Try to Come to Terms With the Killing of Children in Gaza 0 nytimes
'Jihadist' flag flown in east London 1 guardian
Montana Senate candidate John Walsh pulls out of race after plagiarism scandal 0 guardian
Tottenham’s Érik Lamela is keen to show his worth after a year to forget 0 guardian
Oscar Pistorius trial: Nel covers all options 0 bbc
Michelle Obama: 'Until we prioritise our girls, we won't tackle those other problems' 0 independent
Exclusive: Heroin addicts to be given free foil to help them kick their habit 0 independent
Clegg: Mental health research 'needs boost' 1 bbc
Ebola crisis: Tom Frieden 'confident' US will not see outbreak 1 bbc
American Forces Said to Bomb ISIS Targets in Iraq 0 nytimes
Who are the Yazidis and why is Isis hunting them? 0 guardian
George Galloway investigated by police for saying Bradford an 'Israel-free zone' 0 guardian
Baggit: The handbag firm begun 'by mistake' 1 bbc
Stuart Broad breaks India’s resistance and brushes off knee operation 1 guardian
Cambodia's Khmer Rouge leaders found guilty of atrocities - 17 years later 0 bbc