News Article Title Version Source Discovered
India election results 2014: Congress party concedes defeat as Narendra Modi heads for landslide 5 independent
Miliband election adviser in name-spelling tweet blunder 2 bbc
India election results 2014: How will Narendra Modi change the country? 2 independent
Man rescued after boat fire off Aberystwyth 3 bbc
Kenya blasts kill at least four people as tourists fly home early after Foreign Office warning 0 independent
Amazon and Snapchat rank low for protecting user data from govt - EFF 1 guardian
Stuart Hall found guilty of indecent assault but cleared of rape 1 guardian
Nigeria's Goodluck Jonathan cancels visit to kidnapped girls' town 1 guardian
China warns Vietnam over deadly protests in territorial dispute 0 guardian
LGBT rights: the fight is far from over 0 guardian
Kirsten Dunst: five best moments 0 guardian
Why I posed naked and natural 0 guardian
Who, What, Why: Why do people want to ban 'microbeads'? 0 bbc
Indian election: Narendra Modi hails 'landmark' win 0 bbc
Investigation over microlight pilot death at Caernarfon Airport 2 bbc
Murdered Sian O'Callaghan's boots are found by police 2 bbc