News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Thailand deaths: Police have 'number of suspects' 0 bbc
Sen. Marco Rubio gives Hillary Clinton an ‘F’ for State Dept. tenure 0 washpo
Joe Hockey blows up again over ‘appalling’ windfarms 1 guardian
Tony Abbott: Military action against Isis will cost half a billion dollars a year 1 guardian
Indian media: Drop in inflation "boost" for PM Modi 0 bbc
The power of the heavily laden rucksack 0 guardian
Pokie palaces running childcare: how bizarre ideas suddenly become credible 0 guardian
Eminem suing New Zealand's National party for allegedly using his song 0 guardian
O’Malley , Obama aides spar over unaccompanied immigrant children 0 washpo
This Canadian jihadist died in Syria, but his video may recruit more foreign fighters 0 washpo
Border agents decry ‘Diaper Changing, Burrito Wrapping’ with influx of children 0 washpo
Warning over Philippine volcano Mt Mayon 0 bbc
LPS rates non-payment legal action rises by 5% 0 bbc
Flirtation or sexual harassment? Here's how to tell the difference 2 guardian
India by-elections: Ruling BJP faces electoral test 0 bbc
Scotland’s referendum has spurred a dash for devo – but localism is no panacea 0 guardian