News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Leighton Andrews rejoins cabinet in reshuffle 5 bbc
Oscar Pistorius trial: Athlete 'a broken man' ahead of full verdict 6 independent
Despair in Luhansk as residents count the dead 0 guardian
How the US targets Isis in Syria will reveal Barack Obama's true goals 0 guardian
Italian police foil counterfeit Tuscan red wine scam in biggest food fraud ever 0 guardian
Badger cull: tranquil nights, uneasy vigil and a change of police tactics 0 guardian
Can devo max offer the extra powers the yes campaigners want? 0 guardian
ACLU challenges Pennsylvania over execution drugs secrecy in federal court 1 guardian
Amazon to invest in new London office building as it moves out of Slough HQ 1 guardian
Online English course attracts 100,000 students 1 bbc
Paul Gascoigne arrested on suspicion of criminal damage after allegedly throwing a brick at a van 1 independent
D.C. police report details killer’s rampage at Washington Navy Yard 0 washpo
In Flight 17 crash aftermath, an agonizing wait for families seeking proper burial 0 washpo
Top 10 NBA free agents ahead of the market’s opening 0 washpo
Local Policies Help an Indian Candidate Trying to Go National 1 nytimes
The Coalition is set to slash foreign aid – but we can still make a difference 2 guardian