News Article Title Version Source Discovered
MAP: Where monarchies still hold sway 0 washpo
Scottish independence: Crash aid and big reserves? Banks may thrive on Yes 0 independent
U.S. lawmakers thank their favorite teachers: ‘She flunked me — and rightly so!’ 0 washpo
Founder of Women Who Eat on Tubes claims Facebook has taken group down 4 guardian
Steve Reich: 'Radiohead is my kind of music' 2 guardian
A freedom fighter for our time: Kelly Brook will not be silenced over Danny Cipriani 1 guardian
'Nothing ruled out' over Syria - Number 10 4 bbc
Why are there so many West Yorkshire breweries? 0 bbc
As Swedish elections loom, cracks start to show in 'Nordic model' 3 guardian
Royal hoax call inquest: Nurse 'very upset' after prank 8 bbc
Students with poor GCSEs at 16, 'rarely improve by 18' 1 bbc
Judge: Oscar Pistorius ‘negligent,’ but not guilty of premeditated murder 2 washpo
'Father of terrorism' Khuram Iqbal jailed at Woolwich Crown Court 2 bbc
'Radical' change after referendum, Andrews predicts 7 bbc
Arab states back US push against Islamic state 3 bbc
Scottish independence: Think tank claims threat to NHS 0 bbc