News Article Title Version Source Discovered
To some in the Middle East, the Islamic State is a joke 0 washpo
Newcastle United fans top banning order table 0 bbc
Afghan presidential rivals reach deal, brokered by Kerry, to recount all votes 0 washpo
Arson arrest as dogs killed in Manchester fire 1 bbc
Catholic U. student recounts her struggles after reporting a sex assault 0 washpo
Ukraine crisis: New EU sanctions hit Russia on Friday 3 bbc
Sir John Franklin: From the archive 1 guardian
Girl shot in Sussex by man believed to be father 1 guardian
Owners prepared to oust Roger Goodell if investigation shows egregious misconduct 1 washpo
U.S. threatened massive fine to force Yahoo to release data 0 washpo
Sports world asks if NFL's handling of Ray Rice was 'mistake or cover up' 0 guardian
Scotland decides: Yes campaign feels heat as Salmond’s NHS claims come under furious attack 1 independent
Rotherham abuse: 'No confidence' in PCC Shaun Wright 3 bbc
Crumbling ghost ship, SS United States, fights to return from the brink of the grave 0 washpo
Scottish independence: Campaigns argue over NHS in BBC debate 1 bbc
Arab states back US push against Islamic state 7 bbc