News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Kurdish Forces Move to Retake Crucial Dam From ISIS 2 nytimes
Struggling hospitals ‘in denial’ over poor care 0 independent
Sainsbury's removes kosher food from shelves amid fears over protesters 0 guardian
Scandal of putting mentally ill children in police cells must end, says MP 1 guardian
Iraq crisis: Cameron warns of IS threat to UK 11 bbc
Tilbury container stowaways included 13 children 8 bbc
India’s capitulation makes it hard to assess England’s upturn in results 1 guardian
James Risen calls Obama 'greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation' 0 guardian
BBC's Cliff Richard scoop raises questions about fairness to suspects 0 guardian
BBC accused of participating in a 'witch hunt' over Cliff Richard raid broadcast 0 guardian
Serena Williams blows away Ana Ivanovic to win in Cincinnati 0 guardian
Tilbury deaths: Grim new low for people smugglers, with a year-old child among 35 Afghan Sikhs held in container 1 independent
Isis threat: David Cameron wants an alliance with Iran 2 independent
Kurdish Forces Move to Retake Crucial Dam From ISIS 1 nytimes
Gautam Gambhir’s torment a painful symbol of India’s cricketing decline 1 guardian
David Blanchflower: The Bank now admits pay growth is going to be poor. They should have listened to me 0 independent