News Article Title Version Source Discovered
FTSE opens higher but jitters remain 1 bbc
Paper review: Minister's woe and Madeleys trolled 2 bbc
Hong Kong’s leader says government ready to talk to student protesters 1 washpo
Google unveils new Nexus TV, phone and tablet devices 3 bbc
Bearded dragon given oxygen after Bolton fire rescue 0 bbc
Clegg not aware of Tory EU 'immigration brake' proposal 0 bbc
Kosovo 'jihad' boy home from Syria after secret operation 0 bbc
Dog-dodging cyclist falls into Eyemouth harbour 0 bbc
Musgrove Park eye operations continued after warnings 0 bbc
Freud disability comments 'distressing', says Nick Clegg 0 bbc
Thai murder accused is scapegoat, mother says 0 bbc
Hospitals' spot checks revealed 1 bbc
Julia Gillard: Australia's first female Prime Minister reveals the 'sexism and misogyny' she faced on her rise to the... 4 independent
Ebola in US: Amber Joy Vinson named as second nurse infected at Texas hospital 2 independent
Iraq's 'hidden' chemical weapons: US 'covered up' discovery of chemical weapons after 2003 invasion – with many are n... 6 independent
Dallas Ebola patient Amber Vinson cleared to fly by CDC after reporting a temperature 2 independent