News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Nepal blizzard: survivor tells of friends’ deaths on Annapurna circuit 1 guardian
Kerry Flies Commercial After Jet Breaks Down in Iran 0 nytimes
In Exodus From Israel to Germany, A Young Nation’s Fissures Show 0 nytimes
Apple Pay is a really cool way to drain your entire bank account 1 guardian
Ebola: Obama not ruling out travel bans as experts watch for more cases 2 guardian
Empty nest syndrome when a child has a learning disability 4 bbc
New Zealand wins seat on UN Security Council 0 bbc
Police Raid Removes Many of Protesters’ Barricades 4 nytimes
Ebola presents health, political challenges for Obama 0 washpo
Pursuing a Calling That Leads to West Africa 0 nytimes
Libyan general’s forces make major push to oust Islamist militants from Benghazi 1 washpo
Ukraine crisis: Russia's Putin to hold talks in Milan 0 bbc
How to make the perfect lemon meringue pie 1 guardian
Biden’s son discharged from Navy after positive cocaine test 1 washpo
Ebola: Obama not ruling out travel bans as experts sent to treat nurse 1 guardian
Hong Kong: Government ready to talk with protesters but rejects key concessions 7 washpo